
All Argrow's House survivor services are offered free of charge.
Please call 563-528-0892 or email us for more information.

Domestic Violence Support Group
A support group to help survivors heal after abuse, and let them know that they are not alone on their healing journey. Join us in person, online or over the phone. Please call 563-528-0892 or email us for the Zoom info.

Food Box Delivery/Pick-up for Women and Children in Need
Every month Argrow's House partners with the River Bend Food Bank with the goal of providing a food box to as many women in the community as possible. Healthy, nourishing food is distributed for pick up or delivery monthly! 

Family Fun Day Saturday
All women and children welcome for fellowship, family and fun!

Art Therapy
Using artistic methods to enhance mental health through painting, crafting, and other art therapy exercises. All women and children of all skill levels are welcome. 

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